Big News! The Hunter Thompson wristband offered on Leatherpunk was worn in a movie! The film is titled, Fear and Loathing in Aspen. The film highlights Thompson's campaign to run for Sheriff of Aspen, Colorado. There is a similar documentary which was released in 2020, but Fear and Loathing in Aspen is a fictionalization of those events. Filmed in Silverton, Colorado, Fear is directed by Bobby Kennedy III (in case you're wondering, he's the grand nephew of JFK), with the part of Hunter Thompson being played by Jay Bulger.
Screen shot of Jay Bulger in Fear and Loathing in Aspen, wearing Leatherpunk studded wristband.
I was first approached by one of the sets' costume designers in 2018 to rush the cuffs directly to Silverton. They acquired two cuffs (smart, always have a backup) and sent me a photo of the cuffs still wrapped up and resting on a set folder. (below)
Sadly, the movie was shelved due to the pandemic. It was scheduled to be in the 2020 SXSW Film Festival, which was canceled. The good news is Shout! Studios acquired the North American distribution rights as of January 2021 and set a release date in select theaters July 2021. Check out the trailer below.